Last week we went for another test of the engine and a big transformation on the boat in Scotland Bay.
We were with a problem in the support of the bearing that makes the size conversion on the shaft. The fiber witch holdes the wood support for it just break away and we were having a lot of vibration and getting water inside the boat. A lot of work and thinking to redo the structure and make it stronger. The old one was a piece of wood and two stainless steal plates in L bolted into the woodd making the power far from the stress point.
The new one I did a bigger piece of wood and took out one of the steal plates in L having just one plate resting down all the way in the wood glassed with fiber all around.
Happy with the results taking out the vibration and noises from before. But the best result was no water inside using the engine that was the worse thing.
Another biiiiig change in the boat was taking out all the plastic covers we had on top of the boat to avoid water inside because we had leaks by the windows and the wood around. After sealing all the infiltration we took out the covers and clean our bimini to put Silicon with Mineral Spirit to make it impermeable again.
What a incredible change see the boat like this because we have it covered since almost two years ago when we bought the boat and had so many infiltration.
Another work done was installing the navegation lights on the mast.
The week in Scotland Bay was very productive. We manage to prepare all the sailing lines for both furlings in the front and also for the main and mezen mast. Changing some lines and mounting all the blocks for the traveller and reefs of the sails. A lot of items from the list done and finally our boat is a real sailing boat that we can use the sails.
Now we just came back to Chaguaramas in the mooring of a friend to do a new chain plate in the bow sprit and keep working to prepare the boat for the Atlantic crossing in May-June from Martinique to St. Marteen and after Azores.
Do you want to have a unique sailing experience in the company of your friends or your family? Come to sail with us in an old pirate boat style from 70's. We have 5 spots available to do the Atlantic crossing from West to East. One of the big challenge for sailing lovers.
This trip is for people who want to get more sailing experience and have the dream to cross an ocean.
The boarding place will the in Martinique in the end of April or beggining of May. In Martinique we will make the main provisioning for the crossing. We will keep sailing in the Caribbean Island for 10 days to make everybody knows the boat and a bit of the Caribbean Islands. We can talk with all the crew together to decide where to go and make the last stop in St. Marteen for the last provisioning and wait the good weather for the crossing to Azores.
If you are interested or knows anyone interested in this great sailing experience get in contact with us by email and we send more informations.
WhatsApp: +18687272832